Team Moriya just gets more and more ridiculous the deeper I get into the game. Aside from a fight with a certain Taoist, Plus Disk has been smooth sailing.

Already accessed the roguelike mode and beaten the first of Plus Disk's story bosses i.e. I think I'm close to completing Plus Disk. I haven't committed to the Steam version, since I'm still making my way through Plus Disk. It's not bad for 90% of the game, but the FPS tanks suuuper hard with certain skills (like one of Kogasa's attacks). My only issue is that, unlike the older PC version, you cannot tone down the graphical shaders. It's still the same game, but the full-screen option is soooo nice to finally have.
#Touhou urban legend in limbo vote full
I also picked up Labyrinth of Touhou 2, though I bought it pre-sale, at full price, to support the developers. It's a Touhou fan STG (I think made in Danmakufu?) made by the Western fandom and it's quite fun! No reason not to check it out, especially seeing as it's free. I also forgot to post about it, but I want to give a shoutout to Servants of Harvest Wish. Not all the discounts are great, but I did pick up Ephemeral and Unnatural Balance (which I've been wanting for a while, since it's got infamous Touhou cryptid Rin Satsuki) and Fantastic Danmaku Festival (which I played before, when it was still a free game, and have been wanting to complete for some time). Since I'm already posting, I'll mention that there's currently a Halloween sale on Steam and quite a few Touhou fan games are in it.

Transferred then updated Foul Detective Satori's description (it returned from hiatus this month).Updated Lotus Eaters description (added link to Bookwalker).Updated Other Official Works Section (added description to spoiler boxes).Added Touhou Soccer Moushuuden to the secondary list.Added Labyrinth of Touhou 2 to the main list of fan-games (off-topic but I still cannot believe LOT2 is on Steam, and in English to boot).Added the list of updated fan game guidelines to the OT (thanks to shockdude for pointing this out).Bumping because I've made some adjustments to the OT.